New Zealand

‘How should Weet-Bix be eaten?’: I tried to find a definitive answer

It’s the great Kiwi debate.

Weet-Bix has been - and always will be - an iconic New Zealand breakfast. We’ve all had it countless times, enjoying it in a variety of ways.

The question has never been whether or not Weet-Bix is liked. The real question is: how do you eat yours? 

An international Reddit user shared a post seeking advice on how our beloved breakfast should be eaten. 

Unfamiliar with the Kiwi delicacy, she asked: “How should Weet-bix be eaten?”

She went on to explain that she’s not from here, but added: “My friend told me that now I can engage in arguments about how it should be eaten.” 

What a way to initiate someone into NZ’s culture!

And let me tell you, the mixed bag of answers really proved the diversity of Kiwis' preferences.

“Is this a contentious subject?” she asked. Yeah… you don’t even know the half of it. 

The responses varied a sh*t ton - some opting for classic options, others going a little more left field. People really let their personalities shine (and, to be honest, some are just better than others!). 

A fan favourite is some sort of variation of: “Hot water to soften and warm, then top with lots of butter and brown sugar with the tiniest dollop of full-cream milk.” 

Someone replied: “NZ born and raised, this is the only correct way.” 

The classic combination of just cold milk and sugar was another winner. 

Milk and a little sugar on top. Was just enough for the milk to penetrate the bottom, then start eating.

I hate the fact that they said “penetrate”, but I’m here for their answer.

Other answers included just milk, dry with marge and Marmite, or milk and a wee microwave jobby - standard Kiwi options, really. 

A few comments showed a little too much class for the Kiwi palate. 

“Yoghurt, a bit of milk, and fruit,” or “with peaches and bananas.” 

The most adventurous? One user coined their invention “Tiraweetsu”, where they crushed Weet-Bix and poured iced coffee all over it. 

Can’t say that’s gonna become my go-to.

Despite the ongoing divide that Kiwis have when it comes to Weet-Bix, a popular opinion was that “anyone who eats soggy Weet-Bix is a monster.” 

We ALL learned that in primary school, right?!

Meanwhile, over on Facebook, an Australian mum had a similar split in the comments, with a few more negative replies than I was expecting. 

Among the sea of standard answers, one comment stood out.

“Leave them on the supermarket shelf,” someone said.

While there were multiple popular answers - mainly some variation of milk/water and sugar - there really isn’t just one solid conclusive answer. 

I know, it’s a bit anticlimactic, right?

Will we ever get to the bottom of this, or is it all down to personal taste? Maybe the answer is, it doesn’t matter, as long as you enjoy it! (No fun, though).

What do you think? How do YOU eat your Weet-Bix?