New Zealand

'Back yourself': Women of rova share the best advice they ever received

Lana Searle, Meg Mansell, Tegan Yorwarth and more help us celebrate International Women's Day.


International Women's Day comes around once a year, and it sparks some much needed conversations that aren't typically had in our normal lives.

We face and conquer different challenges every day, no matter what stage of life we’re at. These conversations we have about how we are able to do that can create some of the best moments we as women share together (as well as those vino and movie nights in). 

Whether it's nailing motherhood or bossing it in our careers, fighting imposter syndrome or empowering ourselves to reach new heights, there are so many examples of inspiring powerhouse wahine among us. 

Fighting for our rights, breaking glass ceilings, and standing tall in the face of adversity. F*ck, I love when women just... WOMEN!

So this week, and every day, we recognise, celebrate and support the incredible women who make the world a better place.

We asked a bunch of our beautiful ladies here at rova: “What's the best advice you’ve ever received?” and “What makes you proud to be a woman?” and this is what they had to say:


What's the best advice you’ve received?

Take care of yourself, as if you are taking care of someone else. 

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

How much grit we all have. I've known, seen and been the woman who works a high stress job, whilst running a household and keeping track of friends and their birthdays/worries/celebrations. 

Always knowing what’s in their child's new favourite snack while they answer the boss's email after buying an anniversary card for their in-laws and then making a mental note that their friend posted a story on Instagram about getting into a new book series - just so they can recommend what to read next. 

Women are the greatest leaders I've known, in their ability to know their village around them so well and just quietly get it all done


What's the best advice you’ve received?

That a man is not a plan. Learning to de-center men from your life and prioritise your own goals and how to achieve them by yourself, is a superpower. 

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

Our resilience is unmatched! The way we can turn up every day despite still being on the backfoot thanks to the patriarchy, despite the physical demands of being mothers and caretakers, and despite the emotional labour of living in a man's world... we stay up!


What's the best advice you’ve received?

YOU know what to do. 

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

When I see them on my TV, on stage, working reception, dealing with battlers, fixing taps, protesting, on hot girl walks, on the radio, purchasing a designer bag, working at a fast food joint, being creative, in deep and meaningfuls, nursing their children, in uniform, pulling the middle finger, sending flowers, drinking coffee, serving up dinner, downing champagne, sending emails, parking a car, dancing in a nightclub, making tough decisions, sweating at the gym, and simply just getting through the day. 

When I see women being women, I am reminded of the female experience, and that makes me proud to be a woman.


What's the best advice you’ve received?

Do what you love and love what you do because it makes it a lot easier to get up in the morning. I must’ve followed that advice as I’m not sure there’s another job that would get me up at 3.30am!

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

Not so much proud as a woman, just as a person; juggling the mental load of life and work, caring long term for a very sick parent, wife-ing, mothering, navigating my kids as adults now, making sure my dogs know they’re loved and adored every single day and trying to keep my houseplants alive.


What's the best advice you’ve received?

Never leave a bathroom without high fiving yourself in the mirror. 

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

I am so proud of our unspoken womanhood. I felt it big time when I was pregnant - the all-knowing looks walking past women I've never met, as if to say, "we're in this together", "you've got this", "you're amazing". 

I love that about us. We have each others' backs even with just a look.


What's the best advice you’ve received?

When I first started working as a casual at Mediaworks, I remember sitting with my content directors and asking for advice. 

"Be authentic" was one of the many noteworthy statements. Personally, I think It's crucial to remain true to yourself in the ever-evolving world of media, especially where people may use such a public facing job as an invitation to criticize your identity, size, color, and looks. 

No matter how short, or long my journey may be, I will continue to stay authentic to myself, my whakapapa, and my identity as I navigate this new chapter. 

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

I am proud to be a woman because my identity is a testament to strength, resilience, and the ability to break barriers. 

As an Indigenous queer woman in radio, I celebrate the power of embracing my authentic self and using my voice to amplify stories that matter - stories that often go unheard. 

My presence in this space is not just about representation, but about paving the way for others to see that they too can stand proudly in their truth, no matter their background or identity. 

Women are trailblazers, nurturers, and carers of the soul. We possess an unwavering strength to tear down barriers that were set in place to keep us quiet, but guess what? We're about to get a little bit louder! 


What's the best advice you’ve received?

Confidence is the key to life, even if it's fake confidence - what's the difference anyway!?

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

Everything makes me proud to be a woman, but if i had to pick one thing it would be how lucky I am to have such strong female friendships. I don't know what I would do without the constant support, advice and how cool it is to experience girlhood alongside your besties! 

I also love proving people wrong. There are a lot of things women are underestimated in and I really enjoy proving those to be false! 


What's the best advice you’ve received?

You can't control how others act, but you can control your response to that behaviour. 'The Let Them Theory' is a great book by Mel Robbins that talks about this, and it is an absolute game changer. 

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

So much! The inner fire and confidence seems to burn brighter as we age. I'm proud of how fierce and strong women are. 

There's a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt that's bang on - "A woman is like a teabag. You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water."


What's the best advice you’ve received?

Don't wait for someone to give you permission to try something, If you want to strive for  something go and get it…now!

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

I love how we are a beautiful collision of empathy, passion and determination - we really are the perfect blend. 


What's the best advice you’ve received?

Do push ups - you'll thank those pectoral muscles later.

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

A woman's resilience is second to none. The balance of mental and physical strength required to be a working mother cannot be quantified or rivaled.


What's the best advice you’ve received?

Back yourself! Sometimes it feels as though we don't do this enough. 

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

I love how we build incredible communities - the sisterhood is strong! Nothing feels  more empowering than your female friend group lifting you up and having your back. 


What's the best advice you’ve received?

My dad is actually one of my biggest supporters and will often say this to me: Never underestimate yourself; you are more capable and competent than a lot of your male peers. They’re all talk and you’re all walk! 

Also: Never think a man is ever better or more capable than you are. I know that from experience!!

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

I reckon us women are a pretty resilient bunch. I’m lucky to have been surrounded by incredibly strong women, like my mum, who have taught me to keep going and push for better things in life and I’ll be forever grateful and proud of that. 


What's the best advice you’ve received?

You don’t have to play up to the narrative of either being nice or strong. You can approach and lead in all situations with logic, kindness and compassion (yes, all!) and still be a bad asssss mana wāhine! 

What makes you proud to be a woman? 

For me, being in the music industry is seeing the wāhine who contribute so much and pave the way for others. 

It makes me proud that the women I know are the backbone of many big festivals, booking agents, radio shows etc.