It’s a Kiwi pantry staple for a quick meal, and we all have our favourite, but what actually is the best tasting baked bean in New Zealand?!
You might be a Heinz or Wattie’s lover through and through, or maybe you’re like me and think the home brands taste just as good - especially when saving a buck or two.
But in a shock that no one saw coming, none of the aforementioned brands topped the ranks for Consumer NZ. Nope, we’ve got an unexpected front-runner in the mix.
Now, of course, we can’t be swayed too easily by this judgment because, as we all well know, baked beans are a sacred thing to every individual here in Aotearoa.

However, Consumer NZ has given a verdict after rounding up 12 taste testers to rank eight different bean brands available in NZ supermarkets.
Right, I’m warning you... this could get messier than the rogue beans that fall off your slice of toast.
In last place, with a pitiful 13 out of a possible 60 points, was… *womp womp womp*... the Macro Organic Baked Beans.

The Woolworths-branded beans were called “uninviting” by the tasters, who commented on their "pale" appearance and “too beany” flavour.
Though, the brand does get some brownie points for containing the least amount of added salt and sugar.

Coming in third was the go-to Wattie’s, with 44 points, followed by another Kiwi favourite, Heinz Beanz, with a not too shabby 46.
And the moment we've all been waiting for... can I get a big 'ol drum roll, please...!
SPC's Rich Tomato Baked Beans came out on top, with the tasters crowning it the winner at 50 out of 60 points.

Unexpected, but we’ll hear them out.
The taste test crew said the product had a “well-balanced flavour” and a good ratio of sauce to beans - which is always key.
“Not too sweet - as a bean should taste,” said one taster in the Consumer NZ report, while another picked up on some herbs and spices that made it stand out. Here's the final ranking of all eight brands:
Okay, I’m getting hungry just writing this. Might have to try this test on everyone at home to see how our taste buds compare.