Radio DJ Factor - the one game that The Rumble should've absolutely nailed, but all failed miserably at.
You know how radio hosts love to punishingly talk over song intros right up until the singing starts? Rog has always claimed that he's 'been doing radio long enough to just know when to stop talking,' but while Rog was off sick and Bryce was behind the desk, we found out that the Big Dog has a little timer counting him down with each song intro. What. A. Fraud.
So, Producers Ryan and Mitch came up with a little game called Radio DJ Factor, to test all of the Rumble's broadcasting skills.
For the game, each Rumble member took a turn talking over a song intro, and they just had to get these few things correct:
A) The song name B) Say 'The Rock' C) Talk about Hirepool Sporting World Tour D) Finish talking before the lyrics start
Essentially, they all took turns doing the job that they all do every day. And yet not one announcer got it right.
Mel shat the bed by saying the wrong song, Bryce was doing well until he minced his words, Rog was caught cheating, and Mulls.... Well, Mulls didn't really get much of a chance in all fairness.
Have a watch above.