
'I just took it': Aussie journo powers through news report despite bird attacking her head

"It's one of the most ridiculous moments of my life."

Aussies and animals are still engaging in their endless war, the latest battle being between a bird and a journalist just trying to do her job.

Ursula Heger was prepping her live report for 10 News First when a swooping bird nipped her right on the head. After brushing off the initial hit, Heger continued to duck and dodge as the bird attempted nine strikes.

"It's one of the most ridiculous moments of my life," she said after the bird finally stopped. "I just stood there and took it."

"That's the funniest fucking thing," the cameraman added "That's bloody funny."

Commenters are applauding Heger for keeping calm and laughing it off.

"What ever chill pill she is on, I want one," wrote one person.

"I don't know how she kept reading," said another. "I would've run away after the first swoop."

"Dedication right there," a third added. "She took a pummeling."

Perhaps Aussies should've realised a bird attack was imminent years ago. Back in 2009, a seagull made global headlines when it landed in front of a camera that was filming the backdrop of a news report.

The bird, appearing giant, definitely had a suspicious, scheming look on its face. Perhaps a spy for the animal army?

Last year, another Aussie news reporter went viral, but it was for some self-inflicted damage. Tyra Stowers was covering a storm in the Gold Coast for 9News when she suddenly slipped, screaming as she fell before laughing it off.

Honestly, if a bird attacked me while I was working, I'd be too rattled and have to take the rest of the day. Props to Heger.