How many of these icks are you guilty of and do you score better than Dan, Meg and Clint?

We all get the ick, whether we want to admit it or not!

We all get the ick, whether we want to admit it or not!

By now, we should all be familiar with the endless number of icks possible in the dating world, but just in case you aren't let me run it back for you.

Over the last few years, icks have taken over the dating scene. Urban Dictionary defines an ick as: "Something someone does that is an instant turn-off for you, making you instantly hate the idea of being with them romantically."

These differ from person to person, but many are agreed upon and Edge Brekky have compiled a list of 15 of the most universal icks.

Test yourself below to see how icky you are: +1pt for every ick you are guilty of!

RESULTS: 1-5 points - Don't stress about the small stuff. Though some may judge you on your icks, you can sit happily in knowing you're pretty normal! However, this may be a sign that you are one of those people who have an endless list of icks that turn you off, and if that is you, I feel sorry for those I'm about to mention.

6-10 points - Uh oh, you middle-of-the-pack people need to start questioning the decisions you've made, although it'll only take a few to knock off your list, there's probably a reason why you might not have been s successful with love in the past... either that or your beau is just way too picky... yeah let's go with that!

11-15 points - There's no helping you lot... I can't even begin to help you with this one. Start with re-evaluating your whole life, when did it all go wrong? Why are you the way that you are? Take your time to really work on the icks you know you have and then we can talk strategy on how to get you back in the game.

Did you score better than The Edge Breakfast hosts? Find out in the video above!