
Forever alone bloke gives love life update after buying a billboard to search for a missus

It's a bold move from the young lad

A 23-year-old bloke has shared the bold way he's tried to land himself his very first girlfriend, involving a billboard and a heck of a lot of confidence.

That's where Ed Chapman decided to take matters into his own hands and onto the streets of Leeds by approaching potential girlfriends using an out-the-gate method they couldn't ignore even if they tried.

Yup, this young lad plastered a huge billboard with his face and email displayed on it for the ladies to come crawling - at least that's the idea behind it.

Ed revealed that he has been single for all of his life and that it was time for a change.

"I decided I needed to try something different and thought having my own billboard would be a good way of meeting people."

However, it wasn't all a smooth ride to begin with. The young lad said he "didn't think it was possible" after his efforts kept getting squashed by companies who wouldn't take on his ballsy idea.

It wasn't until he found the perfect location that he knew his idea was a beauty. The ideal position for his dating ad was located on the M621 highway, which runs directly into Leeds, where hundreds of drivers will spot Ed's giant mug on their daily commutes.

SOURCE: Caters News

But what we're really keen to know is whether the billboard has proven to be a successful hit with the ladies.

Ed shared his surprise at how many women found it hilarious and he has been speaking to four women who are "all keen to go on a date" with him.

"It's a great sign people have been in touch with me and shows me it's not going to be doom and gloom forever," Ed said.

SOURCE: Caters News

While he noted he's "looking forward to arranging first dates with them", the possibility of breaking his dating virginity is "really exciting", but of course, he's also "obviously a little bit nervous".

Good on him for being brave enough to chuck a giant pic of his mug out there for the ladies to see - so, the next question is which of you single blokes reading this is gonna be bold enough to give it a try eh?