
Tiktok Made Me Buy It: 11 products you didn't know you needed in your life

From pizza scissors to a a cupholder for your fries, these inventions are so strange they're great

It's true what they say, no idea is a bad idea because these simple inventions are so dumb they're great.

To save you the effort of googling 'easy inventions no one has thought of yet' we've put a list together that might just spark the idea that will win you 42BELOW Vodka's $10k to make it a real thing.

These ideas are a little naïve, a little hilarious, and a bit borderline stupid but are game-changers nonetheless.

TikTok Scrolling Ring

If it's too much effort to hold your phone AND SCROLL through TikTok, you're in luck. This invention lets you scroll for as long as your heart desires without having to lift more than one finger.

Fries Cupholder

You've just come out of the drive-thru but now you're having to aimlessly dig around the bag trying to find your chips but all you manage to grab is just a single, lonely, bag chip. Well, Those days are over my dear friend thanks to the Fries Cupholder. Simply place your large chips inside for effortless chip snacking.

Dip Holder

Want to enjoy your nuggets alongside your fries? Too easy, grab yourself one of these dip holders to add your sweet and sour sauce to the mix.


We all know the struggle of getting into bed before quickly realizing you forgot to turn the light off before getting comfy. This little invention lets you turn any switch around your house into a smart switch by being able to control it from your phone.

Fruit & Vege Tongs

Want to get the perfect tomato slice without the fear of cutting off your fingers? You'll want to get around these fruit tongs.

Honorable mention: The Bagel Slicer

For anyone with the same fear when it comes to slicing your bagel in the morning, this simple yet smark contraption sends your bagel back to medieval times to get the perfect slice.

Pizza Scissors

Since we're talking about the perfect slice, do yourself a favour and get a pair of Pizza Scissors.

Pizza Container

Always struggled to find the perfect container to put those leftover slices in? So did the inventor of this container which might only be useful for a couple of slices of your Meat Lovers, but is worth it.

Leg Shaver

Someone decided they wanted to speed up shaving their legs so invented this bendable razor which is meant to help shave your whole leg in one go.

Did someone say Instant Pot?

This invention will let you live the life of the grandparents in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, being able to cook without needing to step foot in the kitchen.

Bike to Boat Kit

Ever thought to yourself 'I'd really love to go for a bike ride at the lake, not just around it but over the water too' Well we meant it when we said no idea was a bad idea because this inventor created a kit that will essentially add floaties to the bottom of your bike.

This content was created by The Edge in association with 42BELOW Vodka. Got an idea for the next best, million-dollar idea? 42BELOW Vodka is giving $10k seed money, to get your idea underway.