
The ANZCC Brings A Leading Voice To Catchment Groups In NZ

"We needed somebody to advocate on behalf of catchment groups across the horticulture industry, the forestry industry, sheep and beef, and dairy," Grant notes.

Catchment groups are proving to be quite successful in getting things done across the country but until now, they've never had a collective voice.

Jeff Grant was involved in the formation of the Aotearoa New Zealand Catchment Collective (ANZCC) and discusses the formation and significance of this newly incorporated society.

He emphasises the need for a unified body to represent over 300 catchment groups across various sectors, including horticulture, forestry, sheep, beef, and dairy.

Grant highlights the diversity and regional representation within the ANZCC committee, the success of catchment groups nationwide, and their potential to influence policymakers like Environmental Parliamentary Commissioner Simon Upton.

Listen to the full chat between Jeff Grant and Dominic George above.

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