The country with the biggest average penis size has been revealed, and sorry lads, it's definitely not New Zealand.
The study was conducted by the online pharmacy From Mars, and used google data from 86 different countries. So, what're the results?
The study found Ecuador came in at #1, with an average size of 17.6cm when erect. Holy hecka.
In second place we have Cameroon with 16.6cm, then Bolivia with 16.5cm, Sudan with 16.4cm and Haiti with an averge of 16.01 cm when erect.

So, who's the smallest? The study found that Cambodia comes in last with an average size of 10.04 cm when erect. Taiwan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong also make up the bottom five.
So where does NZ fall on the list?
The good news is that New Zealand made the top 50! But only just...
...We're literally number 50, with the average erect-penis-size of 13.99cm.
That means NZ beats Spain, India, USA, and the UK. Not behd.
Check out the full list below.