The real-life Martha from Netflix's hit series, Baby Reindeer, went live on YouTube for her first-ever "big TV interview" with Piers Morgan and omfg it was absolutely WILD.
Fiona Harvey joined Piers Morgan as he asked all the big questions we've been wondering, how 'true' was the storyline in the show? did she really stalk him? And of course, did he actually make a joke about 'hanging her curtains'?
'Based on the award-winning and hit Edinburgh Fringe one-man play, Baby Reindeer follows struggling comedian Donny Dunn's (Richard Gadd) warped relationship with his female stalker and the impact it has on him as he is ultimately forced to face a deeply buried trauma.' read the description of the interview.
"I haven't watched any of it [the show], I think I'd be sick," said Harvey. "It's taken over enough of my life."
While Netflix and the show's creator, writer, and main star Richard Gadd have previously said they've gone to great lengths to protect the true identity of the real-life Martha, as soon as Harvey began to speak, it instantly felt like you were watching a follow-up episode to the show.
The mannerisms and accent were identical to the portrayal by Jessica Gunning, who plays Martha in the show. Though, Harvey herself said it sounds nothing like her.
"she doesn't even sound Scottish" Harvey said in reference to Gunning's 'Lorraine' Interview, where she spoke with her English accent.
As to the show, Harvey said 'Baby Reindeer' is nowhere near a 'true story'.
"It's a work of fiction, there are only two true facts, his name is Richard Gadd and he worked as a barman."
"We met two, three times."
In the show, Martha filled Donny's inbox with countless daily emails, something Harvey said never happened in their real-life relationship.
"I don't think I sent him anything, there may have been a couple of emails, a couple of jokey emails, but that's it."
"I don't see how anyone could do 41,000 emails. this is just a lot of rubbish," saying she'd maybe sent "a handful, less than 10 emails... not 41,000 emails."
However, the longer the chat went on, the more Harvey drew doubt on those claims, especially when Piers Morgan reminded her of the 18+ public tweets she'd sent him at the time.
"Well, I may have tweeted him 18,20 times. but that's not a lot... it was all banter."
Speaking of the show's creator and, well let's just say 'old associate', Richard Gadd, Harvey said "I think he's psychotic, and anyone going along in that play... I find the behaviour outrageous."
"I got the impression that he was all out for himself. He wanted to control that bar, he's inarticulate and full of himself."
Watch the full interview below: