We’re only just entering ‘Married At First Sight AU’ homestays week on our tellies here in New Zealand. But for the couples who survive this, they’ll face the ultimate test in a brand-new and extremely rogue twist to the experiment.
With final vows looming, you’d think the producers would be stoked with how the relationships have progressed over the course of the show, right? WRONG.
They’ve gone and said, 'let’s really eff this shiz up' by introducing the - dun dun dun - ‘Final Test.’ The couples can choose to meet another match to truly test the “is the grass greener on the other side” theory.
Personally, not my choice of activity to strengthen a relationship, but then again, as we’ve seen, ‘MAFS’ is anything but conventional.
While production has remained pretty tight-lipped on how this will actually go down, producer Alexandra Spurway hinted that it’s going to determine the fate of the final couples.
“There is a choice that the individual has to make, and it’s make or break for their relationship,” she told Pedestrian TV.
“So it tests our couples in a way that makes them think about whether or not they’re going to make it work or, yeah, on the outside.”
Meanwhile, expert John Aiken revealed it “exposes certain couples in a way we haven’t seen before.”
Now, if you’re not one for spoilers - I get it - you might want to click out now, because one of this year’s ‘MAFS’ couples has hinted at what actually went down during the ‘Final Test.’
You’ve been warned!
In an interview with a Perth-based radio station, Rhi and Jeff seemingly confirmed that some people made some “poor decisions.”
Oi vey! I need a lie down, ‘cause I can’t take any more of this madness.
Apparently, all but Rhi and Jeff gave in to temptation. However - and yes, we know there are contracts involved - Rhi and Jeff gave no comment to confirm or deny if this was actually the case.
Honestly, it’s like they don’t even want people to find love anymore. This all comes at a pretty inconvenient time for the show, which is currently under scrutiny for its morals and ethics behind the scenes.
An investigation is underway into ‘MAFS’ production company EndemolShine, with police also having looked into concerning actions from groom Paul Antoine after he punched a wall during filming.
‘MAFS Funny’ podcast host Joshua Fox has also launched his own investigation into the show’s behind-the-scenes dealings - only to receive a legal letter after questioning John Aiken about the ethics of those running the experiment.
So, to then launch a brand-new test - probably the most controversial yet - really begs the question: have they taken this season too far?
We know it’s all ramped up for drama, but is it worth exposing people with genuine feelings to such, dare I say, heartless tests?
Well, either way, the damage is done. Now it’s just a waiting game for the carnage to hit our screens in just over a week’s time.