
Independent Study Exposes Flawed Freshwater Regulations

"If agriculture stopped in all catchments and they returned to their natural pre-human state, 38% of rivers still wouldn't meet the targets," Acland reveals.

Beef + Lamb NZ is calling for urgent changes to the sediment and E. coli attributes in National Bottom Lines (NBLs) following the release of an independent review which shows that the way they were determined was flawed.

Beef + Lamb NZ Chair Kate Acland references an independent review by Torlesse Environmental Limited, which found these standards to be scientifically unsound and practically unattainable, even suggesting that retiring nearly half of all sheep and beef farmland wouldn't meet these targets.

She emphasises the need for a balanced regulatory framework rooted in sound science that accounts for regional differences and practical feasibility and calls for an urgent pause on the current NBLs to develop more achievable standards.

Listen to the full chat between Katie Acland and Dominic George above.

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