
Adam gets schooled by a listener after he's caught making the same mistake

At least we've all gained a valuable lesson from this!

Oh, Adam, what are we going to do with you?

It's not the first time Adam has made the rookie error of shrinking his wife's expensive jumper. But this better be the last time he's caught talking about it on the radio!

It wasn't too long ago when Adam was asked by his lovely wife Eve to do the family washing. And when he realised he made a grave mistake by shrinking clothes in the dryer, our family of listeners were more than supportive to walk him through where he went wrong, and how he could save the clothes with some homemade remedies.

But you know the saying... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

So it was shame on himself when Adam told a similar story about shrinking his wife's clothes - and Tracey from our family of listeners launched into him for making the same mistake again!

Nothing like getting schooled in front of everyone to learn your lesson!

Listen to Tracey's solution to fix shrunken clothes, so you don't do an Adam too.

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