
Robert Scott's five must-see Christmas movies

Christmas is incomplete without watching Christmas movies!

Some of us religiously watch our favourite Christmas movies every year in December ( or even October/November, no one's judging here).

Robert Scott has shared his top five Christmas movies that he enjoys watching every year and here's the list (no preference order).

1. Love Actually (2003)

"Just great cast, Hugh Grant's awesome, and the movie's got some great music in it".

2. Last Christmas (2019)

"I love this movie. It came out three years ago! There's a lot of Wham! music in it".

3. Scrooged (1988)

"This movie is an adaptation of A Christmas Carol., a book by Charles Dickens. It came out in 1988, real-worth watching"

4. Miracle on 34th street (1947)

"A lovely movie! They've remade it a few times but still a great story".

5. Die Hard (1988)

"Lots of violence, blood, guts, and swearing, but at the end of it, the heart of it is, it's all about a man who's estranged from his wife and he wants to get back to her and she's at a Christmas party."