
Ozzy Osbourne stopped taking acid after hour-long conversation with a horse

As ya do.

Ozzy Osbourne has revealed he quit taking acid in the '70s after he had an hour-long conversation with a horse. As ya do.

The Prince of Darkness spoke in an interview recently about the making of Black Sabbath's fourth album, 'Vol. 4,' which was recorded while the band were deep in their drug-days.

Speaking about those times to Classic Rock, Ozzy said:

"We lived together in a house in Los Angeles, rehearsed there, did loads of drugs and made an album, simple. Those were good times."

Ozzy went on to explain that in the '70s in America, it was common for people to lace drinks with acid, but he "didn't care."

"I used to swallow handfuls of tabs at a time. The end of it came when we got back to England.

"I took 10 tabs of acid then went for a walk in a field. I ended up standing there talking to this horse for about an hour. In the end the horse turned round and told me to fuck off. That was it for me."

Hey, fair enough mate.