
WATCH: Aussie ute barely avoids getting absolutely crushed by road train in wild dash cam vid

Old mate in the ute is one lucky mother effer.

Two Aussie drivers should be counting their lucky stars after avoiding catastrophe on the road by mere inches.

In footage posted to the Facebook page 'Dash Cam Owners Australia', a ute is seen turning into the path of a road train - a truck with multiple trailers - travelling at 100 kilometres per hour.

Whoever was driving the ute somehow did not see the massive vehicle hooning down the road and they ended up getting clipped. The road train driver quickly diverts course and manages to drive off the road and slow to a stop.

As mentioned, both drivers came out unscathed, but the whole front half of the ute is a mangled mess.

The truck driver shared the video from his dashcam, adding he hopes people can learn a lesson from it.

"Had a ute drive straight across in front of me in a road train doing 100kph, Stuart Highway, SA," he wrote. "All three occupants were extremely lucky to walk away."

"I've walked away sore and bruised but feel this is a good educational experience everyone needs to see, trucks are much heavier and definitely don't respond as quickly as cars!"

Commenters on the post were doubling down on the good fortune of all involved, while also praising the manoeuvring of the truck driver.

"The truck driver did a great job to save their life," wrote one person. "Maybe his own too. It wouldn't have mattered what vehicle was coming. They were going to be hit."

"Hey ute driver, thank that truckie, he just saved your life," another said.

"Excellent situational awareness from the truck driver which minimised reaction time," a third added. "Completely switched on, noticed as soon as he could see the car wasn't stopping and was veering to the left by the time the car started crossing the lane."

Have to agree, if it wasn't for the truckie's skills this would be a much sadder story.