
Five years ago today: Bryce smashed Rog's Vitz car window with a shot put

Today we celebrate the 5 year anniversary of that glorious time that Bryce smashed Rog's Vitz window with a shot put.

Today we celebrate the 5 year anniversary of that glorious time that Bryce smashed Rog's Vitz window with a shot put.

On this day in 2018, Bryce and Mulls were throwing a shotput in the garage at work, when Bryce "accidentally" flung the shot put right into Rog's car window.

Not only did it break the glass, but the shot put actually landed on the handbreak and caused some damage there, too. Yikes.

It's safe to say Rog wasn't happy. Made a great video though. Watch it below!

Following the shot put incident, Rog and Bryce had an awkward on-air debrief... have a watch of that below.