Health & Wellness

Tips to begin your day on a positive note

Pooja, our queen of breakfast, admits that she's not even a morning person herself!

I was never a morning person. Even years after doing the morning show I couldn't see the positives of waking up early. All this made it a bit difficult for me to have an energetic start to my day, until I started practising some tips to begin my day on a positive note.

Here is a list of my tips to practise every morning for a great and positive start to the day.

Give Yourself Time

Getting up early gives time to focus on yourself and set positive intentions for the day. Rushing your morning routine means you're more likely to feel agitated throughout the day. That is why I allow myself at least 2 to 3 minutes before getting up from bed. Opening your eyes doesn't always mean you are awake!

Attitude Of Gratitude

I'm a believer which is why I normally start my day by thanking god for giving me the opportunity to start all fresh with a new day of countless possibilities.

Writing and Checking on Loved Ones

I know a lot of people don't agree with checking your phone first thing in the morning but since my parents live in Fiji and I'm here in NZ, I make a point to check my phone the first thing in the morning to check on them. Sending them a good morning message and checking how they are doing helps me feel closer to them. This is very important to me.

Clean Up

Morning showers may sound scary, especially during winter, but this is the best thing one can do for the body every morning. Brushing, going to the potty, having a shower; all these things help me feel clean and positive.

Listening to the Right Music

Music has always been a part of my life and beginning my day with a playlist mixed with happy, upbeat and religious songs helps me set my mood right for the day.

Starting the day with the right drink

I don't get time to exercise in the morning on weekdays as I have to start work quite early but I do make a point to give my body the right thing after the loooonnng break it has. I always begin my morning with a glass of warm water. I read somewhere that drinking warm water first thing in the morning helps in detoxifying the toxins in our body and ever since I started practising it, which actually helps me a lot. The second drink for the day is always a cup of coffee for me though!

Anyway these are a few things I do to begin my day on a positive note and I hope this helps you too.