
Sharyn gatecrashed the podcast to humiliate Bryce (and say who she'd peg on The Rumble)

Bryce suggested Sharyn join us on the poddy intro. He instantly regretted it.

The other morning, Sharyn Casey stopped by The Rock HQ to drop some nappies off to Bryce (for their kids, we would hope).

While Shaz was in studio, The Rumble were about to record the podcast intro, so Bryce suggested she jumped on the mic for a yarn. He instantly regretted it.

Shaz came in hot, venting about an annoying noise that's been happening in her and Bryce's house, before Rog asked the question, "how are you guys still married?"

"That's a great question," Bryce replied, before explaining that Sharyn always fires up when she's on-air with him.

"It also is this fiery when we do our sub-par missionary," Sharyn replied. Zingerrrrrrr.

Later in the chat, Sharyn bought up the subjetc of pegging, asking if she were to peg someone else, would it be counted as cheating if technically there was no skin on skin contact? Which led to the question, out of everyone on The Rumble, who would Sharyn peg?

"Imagine if I went to Sharyn's show and said 'I'd peg your producer'... Just imagine," Bryce said later in the chat. That statement opened up another topic of conversation surrounding Sharyn and Bryce's past relationships.

Honestly the whole chat was pretty loose - have a listen to the full off-air chat below.