The Meat Wheel with Bowmont Meats and More FM Southland

Want your chance to spin The Meat Wheel?


Southland’s More FM have teamed up with the crew at Bowmont Meats to bring you a new spin on a meat raffle…


All you have to do is tune in to Southland’s Breakfast Club with Simon each weekday morning from 6 and listen out for his cue-to-call.

The twist is, you won’t know what morning it is, until the morning of!

When you hear it, give us a call on 0800 MORE 892 and the first person through will get to spin The Meat Wheel!

We’ve got lots of different prizes to be won and they must go…

It’s all thanks to Bowmont Meats - Try their natural skin sausages - unbelievably tasty, you can visit them at 122 Otepuni Ave.