Grey Areas with Petra Bagust • 5 October 2023

You're not alone: A conversation about vulval skin health | Dr Harriet Kennedy


Ever wondered if you need to see your GP because you're experiencing discomfort or itching on your vulva? You're not alone. It turns out that vulval skin conditions are incredibly common and women in Aotearoa New Zealand suffer for an average of 10 years before working up the courage to see a doctor. We've got to change that! After all, skin is skin. So let's yarn about vulval skin health.

The knowledgeable Dr Harriet Kennedy (MBCHB, FRACP, FNZDS) joins us for an informative, empowering and compassionate conversation about female genital dermatology. She sheds light on common vulval skin conditions such as lichen sclerosis, the impact of menopause on vulva skin, what to expect at your appointment with your doctor, as well as treatments.

We also hear from you, our Grey Areas community, and some of your personal journeys with vulva skin health. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. 

Here are a few websites Dr Harriet Kennedy recommends as resources -

Song credit: Korimako, Performed by Aro, Written by Emily Looker and Charles Looker and published by Songbroker.