Grey Areas with Petra Bagust • 6 June 2024

The marks that make us | Jenny-May Clarkson + Dean Clarkson


Getting up at stupid-o’clock every weekday morning to perform in front of the nation requires a certain type of strength and stamina. Add perimenopause to the pressure cooker of live television and you’ve got yourself a potent cocktail of challenges.

Part of Jenny-May Clarkson’s secret is the dynamic partnership she’s forged with her husband Dean. In this episode they share the story of their second-chance-at-love romance, and how their differences complement each other in raising twins, working hard, and navigating major life transitions.

Jenny-May also shares about receiving her moko kauae (traditional Māori tattoo), and how understanding and embracing her heritage has invited her inner critic to take a back seat.

Song credit: Korimako, Performed by Aro, Written by Emily Looker and Charles Looker and published by Songbroker.