Health & Wellness

Doctors explain why some men are prone to getting a ‘summer penis’

It'd be great to have this problem all year round to be honest.

Summer - a time of BBQs, holidays, and good vibes. According to some men, it’s also a time when their junk grows bigger. Yep, you heard that right. 

So, is this a case of some lads spinning a fat yarn or, is there some real evidence to back up this MASSIVE claim? 

Urologist Aaron Spitz told Huffpost this theory makes sense, as warm weather “increases relaxation or contraction of the many time blood vessels that comprise the inside of the shaft of the penis”. 

GP Dr Chun Tang backed this up, telling The Sun: “Some men will notice that their penis looks a little larger, especially when it's flaccid.”


So, is there a team of scientists in the lab right now,  trying to crack the code of the science behind ‘summer penis’? 

“It’s not an official medical thing, just something people have noticed and talked about”, says Dr. Chun Tang. 

And people definitely have noticed. Heaps of fellas took to social media to explain how the warmer weather has impacted their manhood.

“Holiday dick is a thing,” one Redditor said. “Warmer temperatures definitely aid softies and libido”. 

“This is completely normal,” another wrote. “Higher temperatures have a big impact on blood flow, fluid retention, and on the temperature regulation system.” 

One bloke got a bit more technical, explaining: “I get a few extra centimetres or two flaccid, but hard things don’t change”. 

“I used to hate having summer penis and summer balls because when I wore boxers, I’d have to lift my sack before I sat down,” another lad said - explaining that “pouch underwear made me love summer balls again.”  

Guess it’s safe to say there are plenty of reasons to be excited about summer.