School Holidays are the perfect time for Kids to try and earn a few extra dollars and this morning with Breakfast Club we gained some inspiration for those wondering where to start.
While out playing Golf, Paul noticed a youngster selling secondhand golf balls, that they had collected from the ponds within the golf course, to resell at a cheaper price.
With Golf Balls normally being $5 each, the 10-year-old entrepreneur selling a tray of 30 for $25, was a bargain for Paul.
However, listener Joy made the Breakfast Club question their career choices when she told them about her 14-year-old son, who is full of ideas on how to make money
Their family lives near a school, making it easy to get out an extension cord and load up the air fryer to cook hot chips and sell them at $5 a punnet.
When asked how much her son makes an hour, an incredible $100 an-hour reply took the team by surprise
Lana wondered where the inspiration came from, with Joy telling us her son is a fan of billionaire Elon Musk.
If the kids need any inspiration for the school holidays, it doesn't get much better than this.