
Aussie woman survives 5 days lost in the bush off only lollies and wine

The Melbourne woman doesn't even drink wine.

Another day, another great Aussie battler.

A Melbourne weapon-of-a-woman has been found after surviving five days lost in a bush, surviving only off eating lollies and drinking wine.

On April 30th, 48-year-old Melbourne lass Lillian Ip went missing while she was travelling to Dartmouth Dam in Victoria.

On the way to the dam, she was driving along a forest road when she took a wrong turn and her car got held up in a puddle of mud and would not move. She wasn't able to move it herself, and had no phone reception.

Lillian also has health conditions that meant she couldn't walk long distances, and with the nearest town being 60 kilometres away, she was stranded.

"I tried lots of ways to get the car unstuck. I tried to dig a hole," she told the Herald Sun. "I tried to walk down the hill but it was too far."

Lillian made the decision to stick with her car in case she got lost. A decision that very well may've saved her life.

The only means to survive Lillian had on her were a packet of lollies for her roadie, a juicebox, and a bottle of wine that she was intending on gifting her mum. No water or anything else.

The 48-year-old doesn't actually drink alcohol as she's allergic to it. But when your life is counting on it, you gotta do what you gotta do.

She recounts not knowing when she was going to be found, telling 9 News "I thought I was going to die there."

Thankfully she was able to survive the five days off her roadie snacks and bottle of wine, and was eventually rescued when she was found by a police helicopter.

"After being lost in the bush for five days, she was extremely relieved and grateful to see us and we were just as happy to see her," Wodonga Police Station Sergeant Martin Torpey said, as reported by 9 News.

"She used great common sense to stay with her car and not wander off into bushland, which assisted in police being able to find her."

When Lillian was found, she says her first thought was, "water. and a cigarette."

Lillian was sent to hospital with dehydration, but is otherwise healthy.
