Win $200 CASH and a double pass to Novocaine

He feels no pain. See Novocaine in cinemas in cinemas April 3rd


To celebrate the release of Novocaine, we wanna hook you up with CASH and a double pass to see the movie!

When the girl of his dreams is kidnapped, a man incapable of feeling physical pain turns his rare condition into an unexpected advantage in the fight to rescue her.

Every day this week at 7am George Breakfast are playing 'No Pain No Gain with Novocaine'

Text PAIN to 966 along with 3 words to describe a gnarly injury that happened to you. Lee & Tammy will then choose their favourite or most inciting text to call back live on air to hear the full yarn! If it's you, you'll score a double pass to see the movie plus $200 cash to spend on date night at the cinema perhaps!

He won't know what hit him. See Novocaine in cinemas in cinemas April 3rd!