I reckon KitKat is the best chocolate in the world (don't come for me) - so when I got my mitts on their brand new summer flavour, you can imagine I was pretty excited to give it a go.
The new Neapolitan KitKat combines creamy vanilla with sweet strawberry, alongside that smooth milk chocolate base, and signature crispy KitKat wafer we all know and love.

I was slightly apprehensive about the brave pairing of two such powerhouses, but seeing the soft white and pastel pinks in that block of choc immediately put me at ease.
And things only got better from there. The strawberry and vanilla flavours hit you first, and then are nicely balanced by the milk chocolate and crunchy base.
All three flavours stood out enough to taste each of them, but they didn't overpower one another. The combination tastes EXACTLY like a Friday treat straight out of a blue tub when you were 11 years old.
KitKat says it was "created to evoke a sense of nostalgia", and they hit that nail right on the head. My coworkers agreed with my high ratings, with Sophia saying it was “So good!"
"Neapolitan is lowkey underrated… and the strawberry kinda tasted like Nesquick," she added. Even more nostalgia.
Her final thoughts belong either on a t-shirt or a tattoo:
KitKat is my kryptonite.
Jacob was on board, too. “The pink part had that classic strawberry smell which was so good," he said. "Definitely one of the better Kitkat flaves... But ya can’t beat KitKat chunky.”
Sam wasn't quite as sure.
The strawberry reminded me of Pamol, but then everyone around me said they kinda liked the taste of Pamol as a kid so I guess that's not a bad thing?
It's fair to say, around these parts, KitKat Neapolitan has climbed up the ranks on the heavily-stacked KitKat tier list, definitely earning a spot in the top five.

I’d say it's perfect to snack on over time, because it is QUITE sweet. For those who like to destroy a block in one sitting (AKA me), this may not be the go.
If you live in Tāmaki Makarau, there is a Mr Whippy x KitKat Neapolitan pop up happening over the weekend of 22-23 Feb. Mr Whippy is offering free (yes, free) soft serves with a KitKat Neapolitan finger to celebrate the launch!
If you can't make it to that, KitKat Neopolitan hits NZ shelves mid-Feb, so chuck that reminder in your phone, and RUN, don’t walk.
Consider yourself warned, your life will change.