WATCH: Glorious moment metal fans help young buck in wheelchair crowd surf goes viral

Metal fans are a different breed of awesome

Metal fans are a different breed of awesome

A photo of a heavy metal fan in a wheelchair crowd surfing while his favourite performed has gone viral for all the right reasons.

19-year-old Alex Dominguez, who uses a wheelchair due to cerebral palsy, traveled over 580km to be one of more than 100,000 people to attend Resurrection Fest in Spain last weekend.

The young bloke was raised above the crowd by his fellow metal heads during a performance of his favourite band, Arch Enemy, how good!

See video of the moment he crowed surfed below.

"With this type of music it's common for people to be lifted up in the air," photographer Daniel Cruz told the Huff Post.

"It's a way of taking part, of doing the same things that everyone else does."

Dominguez told Spanish news outlet NueveCuartoUno he felt like "like God" as he flew above the crowd.

"Believe in yourself, not in other people's old-fashioned prejudices. If you want to, you can."

Rock on, Alex.