
This is why you shouldn't smash a bag of Sugar-Free Haribo Gummi Bear lollies

Especially before an important exam...

Oh man, we couldn't think of much worse to go through than this yarn.

A Rock Drive listener sent in this bloke's crook yarn about how he got hit with the killer shits during an exam, after devouring an entire bag of sugar-free Haribo Gummi Bears.

If you didn't know, apparently a small dose of sugar-free Haribo lollies have an immediate laxative effect on the body. And when you consume the entire contents of a bag - well, strap yourself in for a diabolical, diarrhea-ridden ride.

Watch above as Jay retells the story, and if you ever think about trying it out for yourself - don't.

Related: Jay and Dunc lose it over this bricklayer's hilariously bad injury story.