
Roger Waters explains why he's at war with David Gilmour over Pink Floyd's 'Animals' reissue

Waters shared the disputed liner notes online.

Roger Waters has revealed the reason for the long delay in reissuing Pink Floyd's 'Animals' album.

Caused by a fight over the album's liner notes, Waters is now bypassing the problem by sharing the liner notes that were rejected for the remastered version online.

"I am posting this announcement here today and in full on," he wrote.

"Gilmour has vetoed the release of the album unless these liner notes are removed. He does not dispute the veracity of the history described in Mark's notes, but he wants that history to remain secret. This is a small part of an ongoing campaign by the Gilmour/Samson (Gilmour's wife) camp to claim more credit for Dave on the work he did in Pink Floyd, 1967-1985, than is his due."

Waters noted that Gilmour was and is "a jolly good guitarist and singer". "But, he has for the last 35 years told a lot of whopping porky pies about who did what in Pink Floyd when I was still in charge. There's a lot of "we did this" and "we did that," and "I did this" and "I did that.""

One example he gave was when Gilmour discussed in an interview with David Fricke how the opening cash register loop for 'Money' was created and edited together. However, according to Waters, Gilmour wasn't present in the room when Waters was creating that SFX tape loop (unless he was hiding under a chair). Waters claims that he created it in the studio that he shared with his wife Judy, at his home garden in Islington.

You can read his full message here, along with the disputed liner notes written by Mark Blake.