New Zealand

US newsreader can't say 'Dunedin' as airport hug sign goes viral worldwide

Classic for little ol' New Zealand!

Dunedin Airport's three-minute hug limit has grabbed attention worldwide - but the city is still struggling to make a name for itself.

The sign planted at Dunedin airport has gone viral, and the internet is divided on whether it’s an ‘inhumane’ request or whether other airports should follow suit.

Outlets including Daily Mail UK, NBC News and The Guardian have all covered the viral sign restricting people’s farewell times, but it was CTV News’ coverage that gave us a good chuckle.

Early this morning, anchor Marcia Macmillan, bless her, covered the virality of the sign, but had a bit of a hard time pronouncing the city's name. 

“This is the sign that’s posted at the Dun-din airport,” she said.

Playing the video out loud in the office gave me and my coworkers a good giggle - I would highly recommend doing the same. Isn't it just so classic that a name from our little corner of the world gets mispronounced on US TV?

In all fairness to her, at first glance, it sure looks like it could be pronounced Dun-din or Dune-din, but who was to tell her the correct pronunciation?

In case you missed it, we previously reported on the sign which first caused a bit of a debate on the popular ‘The View From My Window’ Facebook page.

The sign, which reads 'Max hug time 3 minutes – for fonder farewells please use the car park', was dubbed inconsiderate by some, while others thought it was actually too generous.

The latest opinions in the comments of The Gaurdian’s coverage are also torn.

“Wow, 3 minutes for goodbye cuddles? Talk about a time limit on the feels! Gotta make those hugs count! 🫂,” one commenter on X said in defence of endless hugs.

Another agreed, writing: “If anyone tried that with me limiting cuddles, I'd politely tell them where they could put that sign and what it represents, Unlimited #CuddlesForAll I say.”

While another said the time limit was well enough time to get those goodbyes in.

“I [have been] married for 20 years now. So my opinion: 3 Min seems to be inappropriate and unusually long. 🤷‍♂️,” someone said.

The Edge Afternoons caught wind of the sign and had their own attempt at a three minute hug.

MoreFM’s Breakfast Club also put the time limit to the test and gave a three-minute hug a go, and let me tell you, after one minute, I wanted it to end just watching. 

How do you feel about a three minute hug time limit after watching that?!