All my chicken nugget lovers unite because today’s the perfect day to forget your lunch!
McDonald’s has us sorted by serving a whopping one million free nuggies around New Zealand.
But it’s not as easy as cruising up to the drive-thru and rattling off your order - you’ll need to have the McDonald’s app handy to cash in on this one.
We’re all familiar with scrolling the app deals to snag a cheap feed, but today, the deal is so cheap you don’t even need your wallet.

You’ve just gotta redeem your free 6 pack of nuggets the same way you would any other app deal before 10:59pm tonight - that’s if they last that long.
Only the first 166,667 people to redeem the deal will get the treats. An oddly specific number, but the math checks out.
If you actually packed your lunch today, pat yourself on the back and don’t stress over missing out too much.
If you’re not quick enough to get in on this deal, Macca’s is bringing back their 30 days of 30 deals, so there’s more to come throughout November.
Alright, we’re wasting time! I’m off to go snag my nuggies real quick - first in first served!