Dame Jacinda Ardern is releasing a children’s book with the help of her daughter Neve.
Announcing the project on Instagram, Ardern shared the title of her new book is ‘Mum's Busy Work’ - which is the brilliant POV of a child.
“Sometimes procrastination can be productive! At least in this case, because that’s how I came to write ‘Mum’s busy work’, a children’s book told through the eyes of a child, and based on things my daughter said to me while I was PM.”
“I can’t tell you how happy I was when she agreed to this project,” Ardern wrote in her caption.
In the video, she explains the book “wasn’t really planned” and came about during a time of procrastination while she was in the process of writing her valedictory to leave parliament.
"I wanted to do anything other than write that speech, and so I ended up writing this instead,” she said.
"I hope it just really captures that no matter what we are doing, no matter what roles we have, just that incredible love that we have for our kids."
’Mum’s Busy Work’ shows how even when apart the love between a parent and their child is unquestionable.
Publisher Penguin Random House adds that the book is a reflection of the “relationship between a working mum and her daughter".
Ardern also worked with Kiwi illustrator Ruby Jones who created the artwork throughout the book.
It’ll be out in September and for every book sold it’ll be doing some good "to support what [Kindness Collective] are doing with whānau and kids in Aotearoa New Zealand".
Kindness Collective is an organisation providing children and families with everyday essentials and moments that bring joy.
It’s a pretty cool way for Neve - born in 2018 - to look back on as she grows up to know some of the questions she had while her mum was the Prime Minister.