If you loved Fred again's Boiler Room set, you'll want to get around this.
The Producer's Tiny Desk performance is finally out, with Fred writing on Insta "I am so so so excited for this. I spent weeks practising this and learning instruments I hadn't played for years to try n make this as special as I possibly could."
"EVVERRRYYYY thing you hear in this I play totally live. And there are some sounds I really couldn't believe we were able to make like this." he continued.
"It's one of my favourite things I've ever been a part of."
NPR, the masterminds behind Tiny Desk, wrote in the description how different this concert was from the countless others they've done.
"When Fred again.. first proposed a Tiny Desk concert, it wasn't immediately clear how he was going to make it work — not because he lacked creativity, but because translating purely electronic music at the Desk is a daunting task for anyone."
"But what the British songwriter and producer came up with is a reminder of what a Tiny Desk is at its best: an opportunity for artists to challenge themselves in such a way that it almost feels like they're making new music, all while sticking to what feels true to them. For Fred again.. that meant re-learning the marimba, playing the vibraphone, singing at the piano and looping sounds and beats — all at the same time."
Along with the marimba, vibraphone, looping, piano, and singing, a true Fred again style, he also literally used the 'tiny desk' desk as an instrument.
Seriously, watch it below: